NYS strategy: Turn Long Island into Leader for Nascent Offshore Windpower...
By Karen Rubin, News & Photo FeaturesGovernor Andrew Cuomo sees the opportunity to create a new industry centered largely on Long Island to take advantage of the offshore windpower in an area of...
View ArticleNo, Donald Trump. Wind turbines do NOT kill more birds than fossil fuels.
Among the several lies that Donald Trump told at a recent political fundraiser speech (Utica, NY--August 13, 2018) to boost fossil fuels at the expense of clean energy, there was one that is...
View ArticleWind/Solar Power Could Green Sahara, New Urban Turbine Design and BBC Bans...
Researchers at the University of Illinois have modelled what would happen if very large scale wind and solar power stations were installed in the Sahara. If these covered 9 million square kilometres,...
View ArticleThese Are Not Your Father's Windmills...
"Most of the people on the lake don't even understand how massive these things are yet. We're starting to show some pictures and they're going, 'holy cow! We had no idea.' Yeah, it's shocking."What,...
View ArticleI just got my 2018 Impact Report from Arcadia Power
A little background information on wind energyThe Earth receives 180,000 terawatts of radiant energy from the Sun.[1] Of that, about 2% is converted into kinetic energy, in the form of the energy of...
View ArticleChina crushes US in new power transmission infrastructure to carry renewable...
We interrupt the mainstream media narrative about fake infrastructure (Trump’s border wall) with news about real infrastructure.China’s main grid operator has powered up its biggest transmission line...
View ArticleOh Noes! Wind & Solar getting cheaper!?! Whatever will Donald do?
It’s no secret that the coal industry is in sharp decline. In fact, one of the pillars of the Trump Campaign was schmoozing residents of coal towns, promising to bring coal roaring back, reviving the...
View ArticlePaul Krugman shows just how badly West Virginians screwed themselves by...
Trump promised to bring back coal, an energy source that’s becoming increasingly less viable by the day. And largely because of this, he won West Virginia in a landslide.Of course, in the long run, the...
View ArticleRenewable Power Becoming Cheaper than Coal
Despite Donald Trump’s best lies, renewable wind and solar power continue to spread and develop as very realistic replacements for fossil fuels.Here’s a site with resources detailing the...
View ArticleDo Windmills Cause Cancer? A Very Quick Scientific Study.
On April 2, 2019 the President of the United States delivered a speech in which he said that the noise from windmills causes cancer. Watch it yourself. xxYouTube VideoThe question is so bizarre, I...
View ArticleNorth Carolina Open Thread: Duke Coal Ash Cleanup and Windmills
NORTH CAROLINA OPEN THREAD for Sunday, April 7, 2019203rd Weekly Edition This is a weekly feature of North Carolina Blue. We hope this regular platform gives readers interested in North Carolina...
View ArticlePWB Peeps Moondai Evening: Earth Dai!
Since Earth Dai is such an important dai, we interrupt our regularly scheduled Moondai mashery of Ogden Nashery to bring the top 10 things that you can do about climate change. We can all do our part...
View ArticleBloomberg Gives $500 million in Effort to Close All US Coal Plants by 2030
www.nytimes.com/...Former New York City mayor and billionaire Michael Bloomberg said today he would give half a billion dollars in effort to close all coal fired US electric plants and promote...
View ArticleIt's Time to Embrace Nuclear Energy
It is a tragic irony of the contemporary environmentalist movement that in its opposition to nuclear energy, it is doing the bidding of the fossil fuel industry and increasing the likelihood of climate...
View ArticleWhy *conventional* nuclear energy cannot possibly be the solution to the...
1st premise. The solution to the climate crisis is to electrify everything, and to generate the electricity from (ideally) zero-carbon sources.[1]2nd premise. Humanity’s total power consumption is...
View ArticleU.S. renewable energy generation just surpassed coal for the first time ever
Donald Trump has staked his grubby little political future in part on a supposed renaissance in dirty, backward-looking industries like coal production.Unfortunately for him, the world doesn’t stand...
View ArticleSaving The Environment by Picking The Low-Hanging Fruit
Accomplishing the things that can easily and inexpensively be done nowThe global consensus to combat rapid Climate Change has gained steam throughout much of the world over the last decade. With the...
View ArticleIda Auken, Denmark's Former Minister of the Environment, Sets Trump Straight...
Ida Auken, a member of Denmark’s centre-left Social Liberal (Radikale Venstre) party and former environment minister, took to Twitter to disabuse the Orange Idiot of some of the stupidest crap knocking...
View Article5 Things: Warming Believers, Alaska Burning, Wind Mills the Horror, Coral...
Most Conservative of All Professions Believe in Climate ChangeSince 1990 the number of homes built in what is called the wildland-urban interface increased by over 40%. It is estimated that in...
View Article5 Things: Lost Billions, Money Pits, Offshore Wind, Subsidies, E-car Subsidies
Billions Lost Three billion birds gone since 1970. This is the result from the latest comprehensive review of North American birds. It’s a startling number that suggests that the reduction of habitat...
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