NORTH CAROLINA OPEN THREAD for Sunday, April 7, 2019
203rd Weekly Edition
This is a weekly feature of North Carolina Blue. We hope this regular platform gives readers interested in North Carolina politics a place to share their knowledge, insight and inspiration as we work on taking back our state from some of the most extreme Republicans in the nation. Please join us every week as we try to Connect, Unite, Act with our North Carolina Daily Kos community. You can also join the discussion in four other weekly State Open Threads.
Colorado: Mondays, 7:00 PM Mountain
Michigan: Wednesdays, 6:00 PM Eastern
North Carolina: Sundays, 1:00 PM Eastern
Missouri: Wednesday Evenings
Kansas: Monday Evenings
You can help by adding anything from North Carolina that you would like to highlight. just kosmail me or email at randalltdkos at gmail. Twitter: @randallt
State news stories follow, the floor is yours.
Thanks for reading and contributing, have a great week!